I knew it. I JUST knew it. I knew, the second I cut his hair off, and yes, those precious little curls, that my baby would be gone..
It's strange. His haircut has made him a completely different kid. Like Lauryn with her hearing, she's not the same quiet, loving kid. No she's more like an extremely opinionated, outspoken little girl now. Anyway, this blog is about Logan, not Lauryn.
His hair chopping session was great. I was getting tired of chasing him around the house trying to brush it to make him appear somewhat of a well taken care of child. Not like the ragamuffin he is.. =) I was getting tired of the snot in his bangs and then crusting to his head. I didn't want to get rid of the curls, but the last time we tried that, he ended up with a mullet.

A mullet that was somewhat unnoticeable to most, but to others, he somewhat resembled Joe Dirt in his younger years.
So I did it. Saturday, I took him in and said, I want it all chopped off. She showed me this super cute picture of a style that I really liked, where it was still kind of long on top, but short in the back, and it could be styled. Needless to say, that didn't happen. Logan was deathly afraid of the short little Asian woman coming at him with scissors in hand. He clung to me for dear life, and screamed like a banshee. A tone he's seemed to perfect lately.

See he wasn't happy.
He had to sit on my lap, and she just started chopping. I thought she knew what she was doing at first, but I think she was more worried about getting it over with than actually getting the style I wanted. Oh well. It's just hair right?
After a bit, he calmed down, and let her cut the rest of it.

And here he is all done..
My little man, now runs around the house screaming when he wants things, throwing fits, and has MUCH more attitude than he did before. I'm sure alot of it has to do with age, since he just hit the 18 month mark on Christmas. He's officially a waddler.. not an infant, and not quite toddler yet.. but man..

Watch out world, he is baby no more..
Oh my gosh, he looks so different!! I think he looks so cute with the short hair...like you said...it made him lose a lot of his baby look, which I'm sure is heartbreaking! But now he looks like a lil' man!!
He is adorable curls or not. I wish my boy still had his curls sometimes too. But then I remember the rat's nest it would become and how it never would dry after a bath.
Ah, 18 months is a tough one too. That is the age I wanted to go back to work. Then he became so much more fun when he actually started listening... a little.
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